39 lesco t storm fungicide
Turfgrass Diseases: Take-all Patch (Causal fungus: Gaeumannomyces ... The timing of fungicide applications will depend on the approximate dates of patch symptom development. If greens, tees, or fairways have a history of symptom development in early to mid-spring, then fall fungicide applications may be required for adequate control. ... 3336 DG, Cavalier F, Fungo Flo, Lesco T-Storm, SysTec 1998, TM 4.5, TM 85 ... ArmorTech TM 462 F Turf Fungicide | UTA - United Turf Alliance Benefits And Uses Compare to: Cleary's 3336™, Fungo, SysTech 1998®, Olympic 6672, LESCO T-Storm Excellent tank mix partner with most other fungicides Labeled for use on cool and warm season grasses and on all labeled ornamentals Systemic mode of action University tested Guaranteed for performance by UTA Member Companies 2x2.5 gal case
PDF Flowable - DoMyOwn.com Turf & Ornamental Fungicide For control of a broad spectrum of diseases of bedding, flowering, herbaceous and tropical foliage plants, shrubs, trees and flowers, containerized woody shrubs and trees and turfgrass. ACTIVE INGREDIENT:
Lesco t storm fungicide
Registration Numbers Book - California LESCO T-STORM 2GC FUNGICIDE: INACTIVE (not renewed) 228- 631-ZA- 10404: View Product Information Report: LESCO T-STORM 50 WSB: INACTIVE (not renewed) 51036- 330-AA- 10404: View Product Information Report: LESCO T-STORM 50WSB: INACTIVE (not renewed) 66330- 294-AA- 10404: View Product Information Report: LESCO T-STORM FLOWABLE TURF & ORNAMENTAL ... PDF T-Storm 2G - DoMyOwn.com T 2G Fungicide -Storm 2G Fungicide Manufactured for: LESCO, Inc. 1385 East 36th Street Cleveland, OH 44114-4114 EPA Reg. No. 228-631-10404 EPA Est. No. 82757-OH-001 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION/PRECAUCIÓN See the back of this bag for additional PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS FIRST AID PDF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) USER SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS T-Storm 2GC LESCO® T-Storm™ 2GC Fungicide contains thiophanate-methyl, the active ingredient used in Cleary 3336™ GC. PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS CAUTION/PRECAUCIÓN Causes moderate eye irritation. Avoid contact with eyes or clothing. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling
Lesco t storm fungicide. Lesco Spectator Ultra Fungicide - 1 Gallon - DipGator You're viewing: Lesco Spectator Ultra Fungicide - 1 Gallon $ 127.77 Select options Money back guarantees , get your product or your money back, buy with complete confidence Dismiss PDF Fungicide Resistance Management of Turfgrass Diseases James T. Popko ... The nitrile class containing chlorothalonil is the only multi-site mode of action fungicide commonly used for controlling dollar spot. Resistance to chlorothalonil has not been reported in turfgrass or any other crop. Chlorothalonil is a contact fungicide that coats the leaves of turfgrass and is not taken up by the plant. Use of chlorothalon... Fungicide Guide (cool season focus) - Page 3 - The Lawn Forum Prices as of today from domyown.com. Quali-pro 32oz is $1.46/M. Quali-pro 128oz is $0.70/M. PPZ is $0.39/M. Big difference! In the guide, I considered anything from $0.00 up to about $1.90 to be represented by one $ symbol. It isn't a perfect system but it gives a ball park. T-Storm™2G - Washington State University T-Storm™2G Fungicide Systemic Fungicide forTurf and Ornamentals For the prevention and control of turf diseases and the diseases of annual and perennial flowers, bedding plants, foliage plants, ground covers, plus deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs. ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Thiophanate-methyl[dimethyl4.4"-o-phenylenebis[3-thioallophanate])
Lesco T-Storm 2G Fungicide | Lesco, Inc. | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Long-sleeved shirt and long pants, Chemical resistant gloves made of any waterproof material such as polyvinyl chloride, nitrile rubber or butyl rubber Restricted Entry Interval 12 hours Precautions May be exposed to direct sunlight Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks Should not be stored in a damp place May be stored in a warm place May be frozen Search for Pesticide Products - California lesco t-storm 2g fungicide: 228- 631-aa- 10404: active: 01/01/12: lesco t-storm flowable turf & ornamental fungicide: 228- 626-za : active: 04/06/17: lesco twosome fungicide: 228- 630-aa- 10404: active: 01/13/15: master label - thiophanate methyl 4.1 sc t&o: 8033- 130-ml : active: 01/13/15: master label - thiophanate-methyl 4.1 sc fungicde ... T-Storm Fungicide - LESCO 2.5 gallons: Label & Price | SiteOne LESCO T-Storm T-methyl Fungicide 2.5 gal. 10441225. Product Photos. Product Photos. Product Photos. Hover on image to Zoom. Touch on image to Zoom. Click here to view zoomed image. of Images & Videos. Share by Email. LESCO : 10441225. LESCO T-Storm T-methyl Fungicide 2.5 gal. 10441225. YOUR PRICE. RETAIL PRICE. Turfgrass Diseases: Dollar Spot (Causal fungus: Clarireedia ... Dec 03, 2020 · 26GT, Andersons Fungicide X, Chipco 26019 FLO, Iprodione Pro 2SE, Ipro 2, Ipro 2SE, Lesco 18 Plus: Methyl benzimidazole carbamates (MBC) thiophanate-methyl: MBC, 1, acropetal penetrant: 3336 EG, 3336 DG, Cavalier F, Fungo Flo, Lesco T-Storm, SysTec 1998, TM 4.5, TM 85 WDG, T-Methyl, Transom 4.5F: Quinone outside inhibitors (QoI) fluoxastrobin
T-Storm Flowable | Lesco, Inc. | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Long-sleeved shirt and long pants, Chemical-resistant gloves for all mixers and loaders and for applicators using hand held equipment, Chemical-resistant aprons for mixers, loaders and other handlers exposed to the concentrate, Shoes plus socks. Restricted Entry Interval 12 hours. PDF PEEL HERE TO OPEN Flowable - Michael Grimm Services LESCO T-Storm Flowable is to be used for the prevention and control of the diseases listed below. For best results use spray mixture the same day it is prepared. Spray uniformly over the area to be treated with a properly calibrated sprayer. Apply after mowing or avoid mow- ing twelve hours after application. Determining Spreader Settings | LESCO Controlled-release nitrogen delivers quick green up and consistent feeding of nutrients for up to six months. Learn more LESCO PolyPlus LESCO PolyPlus fertilizer blends are developed to release nutrients slowly and evenly. The granules are coated to slowly dissolve and release a steady supply of nutrients to maintain the lawn's health and beauty. 5 Best Fungicides For Lawns - Prevent & Control Turf Fungal Diseases DOW Eagle 20EW Fungicide is effective against all major lawn fungal infections, such as: Brown patch Dollar Spot Leaf Anthracnose (brown leaf spot) Turf necrotic ring spot Rust Powdery mildew Spring dead spot Zonate Leaf Spot Septoria leaf spot Turf large patch and many more. This product is available in a 16oz recipient or 128oz.
53205 Lesco Spectator (228-633)(2g) BK - Washington State University 53205 Lesco Spectator (228-633)(2g) BK 2/21/11 3:25 PM Page 1. 151 \(Rev 2/10/2012\) PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS ... This product is a systemic fungicide that controls numerous diseases on turfgrasses, orna-mentals, nursery plantings, and landscape plantings; please refer to the appropriate section for the ...
Lesco T-Storm Fungcide | Lawn Care Forum Lesco T-Storm Fungcide 1 - 5 of 5 Posts E ed2hess Registered Joined Nov 4, 2002 17,143 Posts Discussion Starter · #1 · Oct 9, 2018 Has anyone used this on brown patch in St Augustine? The rain keeps coming and the cold front on its way.....site 1 sells it in 2.5 gallon. A 30 # bag was $45 a bit cheaper then Heritage G. Burnie Registered
Control Products | LESCO Based on leading research and a track record for success, LESCO control products can help you attack weeds, fungus and insects instantly, and take them out for good. Should you have questions, every LESCO solution is supported by technical expertise that is second to none, found at SiteOne® Landscape Supply. LESCO Control Products Herbicides
LESCO T-Storm 2G Fungicide 30 lb. | SiteOne LESCO 18 Plus Fungicide 2.5 gal. Retail Price $325.14 Log in to See Your Price Add to Cart Description LESCO T-Storm is a systemic, preventative protection against major Turf and ornamental diseases. This product can be used in Nursery, greenhouse, Landscape, Turf, trees, and golf courses. Highly concentrated, highly visible, long lasting. Reliable
Turfgrass Diseases: Anthracnose (Causal fungus: Colletotrichum cereale) Anthracnose is a foliar and crown/root rotting disease of golf course turf, caused by the fungus Colletotrichum cereale. It is typically associated with stress factors that weaken disease resistance in annual bluegrass, such as excessive shading, poor drainage, soil compaction, temperature extremes, nitrogen deficiencies, and low mowing heights ...

Liquid Soil Loosener- Soil Conditioner-Use alone or when Aerating with Mechanical Aerator or Core Aeration- Simple Lawn Solutions- Any Grass ...
Show Pests Pests controlled by LESCO T-STORM FLOWABLE TURF & ORNAMENTAL FUNGICIDE(081854) [ 51036-329-10404 ] The site and pest data was supplied by the U.S. EPA., and may not accurately reflect the sites and pests on the label in your state. Please be sure to read the DIRECTIONS FOR USE on the actual label.
Turfgrass Diseases: Dollar Spot (Causal fungus: Clarireedia jacksonii) 03-12-2020 · 26GT, Andersons Fungicide X, Chipco 26019 FLO, Iprodione Pro 2SE, Ipro 2, Ipro 2SE, Lesco 18 Plus: Methyl benzimidazole carbamates (MBC) thiophanate-methyl: MBC, 1, acropetal penetrant: 3336 EG, 3336 DG, Cavalier F, Fungo Flo, Lesco T-Storm, SysTec 1998, TM 4.5, TM 85 WDG, T-Methyl, Transom 4.5F: Quinone outside inhibitors (QoI) fluoxastrobin
T-Storm Fungicide - LESCO 2.5 gallons: Label & Price | SiteOne Fungicides LESCO : 10441225 LESCO T-Storm T-methyl Fungicide 2.5 gal. RETAIL PRICE $297.57 / Each Log in to see your price In Stock at Alpharetta GA. Check Other Stores Pick-Up, Delivery, or Shipping Select at Cart Branch Pick-Up Available at Alpharetta GA Local Delivery is Available for this Item Shipping is unavailable for this Item Add to Cart
LESCO - The Home Depot LESCO 50 lb. Weed and Feed Professional Fertilizer 18-0-9. Model# 080257 (314) $ 59 97 /bag. Buy 5 or more $ 47.98. LESCO 50 lb. 19-0-7 Dimension Crabgrass Preventer. Model# 080311 (357) $ 69 97. Explore More on homedepot.com. Building Materials. Buy Homecraft Furniture 13.3 in. x 16.3 ft. Dark Walnut Step Stool;
PDF MATERIAL SAFETY Page 1 of 3 DATA SHEET #3016 For further information, contact: LESCO, Inc. • 1301 East 9th Street, Suite 1300 • Cleveland, Ohio 44114-1849 or (800) 321-5325.
Spring Dead Spot | Home & Garden Information Center Lesco T-Storm 2 G Fungicide: Granules, 2.08%: Cleary's 3336-DG Lite Granular Fungicide: Granules, 2.08%: Anderson's Turf Products 3336 2.08% thiophanate Methyl: Granules, 2.08%: 1 RTS = A ready-to-spray, hose-end spray bottle. 2 Resistance to the fungicide by the spring dead spot fungus will develop from continued exclusive use of ...
What Are Some Common Lesco Spreader Settings? - Reference.com By Staff Writer Last Updated March 25, 2020. Spreader settings for Lesco products vary according to pound concentrations per square foot, with settings divided according to letters, such as C1, D, E and G, and numbers, such as 9, 14, 15 and 16. These settings apply to standard grade spreaders. Lawn spreaders are designed to move fertilizer and ...
PDF 26197 T-Storm 2G text - Grasshopper Gardens Lesco®T-Storm™ 2G Fungicide may be used on annual and perennial flowers, bedding plants, foliage plants, ground cov-ers, and deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs found in Nursery, Greenhouse, Interiorscape, and Landscape sites. When using this product for commercial horticultural applications, be sure to follow the guidelines in the General ...
PDF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) USER SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS T-Storm 2GC LESCO® T-Storm™ 2GC Fungicide contains thiophanate-methyl, the active ingredient used in Cleary 3336™ GC. PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS CAUTION/PRECAUCIÓN Causes moderate eye irritation. Avoid contact with eyes or clothing. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling
PDF T-Storm 2G - DoMyOwn.com T 2G Fungicide -Storm 2G Fungicide Manufactured for: LESCO, Inc. 1385 East 36th Street Cleveland, OH 44114-4114 EPA Reg. No. 228-631-10404 EPA Est. No. 82757-OH-001 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION/PRECAUCIÓN See the back of this bag for additional PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS FIRST AID
Registration Numbers Book - California LESCO T-STORM 2GC FUNGICIDE: INACTIVE (not renewed) 228- 631-ZA- 10404: View Product Information Report: LESCO T-STORM 50 WSB: INACTIVE (not renewed) 51036- 330-AA- 10404: View Product Information Report: LESCO T-STORM 50WSB: INACTIVE (not renewed) 66330- 294-AA- 10404: View Product Information Report: LESCO T-STORM FLOWABLE TURF & ORNAMENTAL ...
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